Casa Romana (Roman House)

  • ( 0 Reviews ) 0km from Kos Town

A restored Pompeian-type villa that shows the lavish lifestyle of the wealthy during Roman times.

The Roman House, also known as Casa Romana, in Kos Town, is a splendid example of affluent Roman residential architecture. This meticulously restored villa, dating back to the late 2nd century and early 3rd century AD, provides an exquisite glimpse into the luxurious lifestyle of Roman elites on Kos.

The structure, built upon the ruins of an earlier Hellenistic house, features a peristyle layout with a central courtyard surrounded by columns. This courtyard, adorned with beautifully crafted mosaics and a well-preserved statue of Hippocrates, was the heart of the villa, used for social gatherings and leisure activities.

Inside, the Casa Romana comprises three levels, each showcasing elaborate floor mosaics depicting scenes from Greek mythology, geometric patterns, and intricate designs, exemplifying the artistic prowess of the time. The walls, once richly decorated with frescoes, hint at the opulence that characterized the Roman upper class.

The house also contains thermal baths, indicative of the importance of hygiene and relaxation in Roman culture. These baths, complete with heating systems, reveal advanced engineering and architectural techniques employed by the Romans.

As an easy-to-access living museum located in the heart of Kos town, Casa Romana offers a rare opportunity to step into the domestic life of ancient Rome. It is not only an architectural marvel but also a cultural treasure, providing invaluable insights into Roman society, art, and daily life on the island of Kos.


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