Castle of Old Pyli (Paleo Pyli)

  • ( 0 Reviews ) 17km from Kos Town

The ruins of a Byzantine castle with views of the surrounding area, located near the present settlement of Pyli.
The Castle of Palio Pyli is a remarkable relic of Byzantine architecture. The ruins of this ancient castle are perched on a strategic vantage point, offering stunning views of the surrounding region. Although mostly in ruins, the castle’s remnants provide a glimpse into the island’s Byzantine past.

The structure of the castle, with its crumbling walls and gateways, tells a story of a bygone era of fortresses and watchtowers. Its strategic position highlights the importance of surveillance and defence in medieval times. The ruins are enveloped in a sense of mystery and history, inviting visitors to explore and imagine the castle in its heyday.

The location of the “Castello di Pilli” as otherwise known, makes it an ideal spot for those seeking a blend of historical exploration and natural beauty. The panoramic views from the ruins are breathtaking, encompassing the lush landscape and the azure waters of the Aegean Sea.

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